Coco Mbassi

CD 68.819

Coco Mbassi - SepiaDie Texte in ihrer Muttersprache Duala verbinden sich oft mit jazzigen, minimalistischen und klassischen Arrangements, in denen vocale Polyphonie und afrikanische Rhythmik weiterhin eine große Rolle spielen. Coco Mbassi komponiert ihre Stücke selbst und schreibt auch die Texte. Einen wichtigen Einfluss auf ihre musikalische Arbeit hat dabei ihr Mann, der als klassischer Kontrabassist am Pariser Konservatorium lehrt, doch bereits in ihrer Kindheit kam sie in ihrem Elternhaus mit einem breiten Angebot aus Händel, Makossa und Jazz Big Bands in Berührung.

Im Mittelpunkt ihrer Songs stehen zentrale Themen des menschlichen Lebens wie die Liebe, die Freundschaft, die Familie und eine tiefe christliche Religiosität, die Coco in einer freien christlichen Gemeinde in Paris bei Gottesdiensten mit viel Musik und Gesang zelebriert. Cocos Lieder erzählen Geschichten, die von ihrer Lebenserfahrung geprägt sind und die sie aus ihrer Erinnerung abruft. Die Geschichten und Empfindungen machen sie zu dem, was sie heute ist, und bei den Erinnerungen sind es besonders immer wieder diese alten sepiafarbenen (schwarz-weiss) Photographien aus ihrem Elternhaus...

Neue CD "Sisea"
Mehr Informationen zu Coco Mbassi

Nominated for the BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music. Category: Newcomer

"Eine der herausragenden Weltmusik-Veröffentlichungen des Jahres"

"Sepia präsentiert Weltmusik von seiner allerbesten Seite, ein Album, daß man jedem muskalisch interessierten Menschen nur wärmstens empfehlen kann."
b uch.de

"rundum geglücktes Solodebut"

"Mit Sepia ist Coco Mbassi ein Debutalbum gelungen, welches man sich noch länger merken dürfte."

"Sie hat musikalisches Gespür und kann das umsetzen. Und sie hat Stimme ! Eine neue Stimme."

"Ein ungemein reifes Werk, voller wunderschön ausbalancierter Nuancen."


"Sepia est l'oeuvre généreuse, aérienne et profondément touchante d'une grande artiste."

"Sepia is indeed the colour of the songs, and the crystal-clear production provides
just enough supportive musical colour. One to listen out for."

01. Mbaki

Double bass: Serge Ngando-Mpondo
Percussions :á
Bongos: Denis Tchangou .
Shakers,Djembe,Bells,Sticks,Woodblocks: Toups Bebey.

Backing vocals: Valérie Lorentz, Julia Sarr and Coco Mbassi .
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi.

Esaïe 59.
(Dieu est fiable, ce sont nos erreurs qui nous séparent de Ses bénédictions mais le sang de Son fils a coulé pour nous purifier).

Isaiah 59
God is reliable, our sins stop His blessings, but His Sons's blood was shed to wash them.
This song talks about the goodness and mercifulness of God. He does not judge us according to our faults but offers us His Son for our redemption.

Ref 1 :

Mbaki, Loba le mbaki (bis),
Mawuse masu pon nde ma m'eke,
Dia la Loba mo le ngum e.
Ye nde Eyal'e busi Mba mudumbu, o si wo ;
Dia Lam di titi pon esungu, o si ko.
Myobe mongo nde mi ta m'eka Mba na na namse oa,
Nde maya ma Mun'ami nde ma'a sangise mo.

Couplets :
Bia na Loba longo,
Mo nde Le mbale.
Di si ma wondo tomtom,
Mo nde le ngea' Mbale.
Oa dube nde mo e,
Kane nde mo e.
Dube Mudi Mao mu Sangi,
Loba Le mbaki e,
Eyal'ao nde ye Mbale.
Mo nd'a ma sunge e,
dube mo e.
O si linga penda to bunya;
Yesu a malane oa, o ngea jongise e ;
Loba Le mbaki !

Ref 1 +
Mbaki, Loba le mbaki, Loba le mbaki, Loba le mbaki !

Ref 1 :
The Lord is able and you can count on Him = Loba le mbaki
Our faults are the barrier, the Hand of God is Mighty.
It is a Word that came out of My mouth, don't worry.
My Hand is not too short, don't fall.
Your sins were the reason why I couldn't bless you,
But the blood of My Son purified you from them.

Couplets :
Be certain that your God, is the only True one;
He doesn't lie, no never
He is the Way to Life.
Believe in Him, pray Him.
Believe in His Holy Spirit
God is able and you can count on Him.
His Word is the Truth.
He is the one that saves, believe in Him.
Never doubt of that any day
Jesus will lead you to the Way of salvation,
God is able and you can count on Him.

02. D

Double bass: Serge Ngando-Mpondo.
Cello: Cyrille Jacquet.
Viola: Nicole Merville.
Violin: Armelle Lecoz.
Piano: Dondieu Divin.
Backing vocals: Julia Sarr, Coco Mbassi.
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi

This song is a love song to D, my husband and the father of my children, encouraging him to take care of us and praying God to give me the strength to take care of them.



Ref :
Oa, oa ndol'ami,
Oa nde na tondi no.
Nya mulema, oa nde we mba mumi.
Nya ndolo, sangw'a bana bami,
Biso na oa, je pon nde mo e.

Pont :
A, mum'am kwe mba dia,
Di wase ngea,ni malane biso wuma Loba a tese no.
Di bongwe ba bana, a bodi no biso,
Na dibie la bana ba Loba e.

Couplet :Lob'a bateye oa, minya ma longe jita,
A bole oa nginya o sabangane mba e.
Lob'a bateye mba, ndolo o mulema,
A bole mba nginya o bongwa binyo e.

Ref (ad lib).

Ref :
You, you my love.
You are the one I love.
My heart, you are the man for me.
My beloved one, the father of my children.
You and me are one.

Pont :
My husband hold my hand,
We should try to walk
In the path which will lead us to the place God planned for us.
Let us take care of the children, He gave us.
With the wisdom of children of God.

Couplet :
May God give you a long life,
May He give you the strength to take care of me.
May God give me more love in my heart,
May He give the strength to take care of all of you.

03. Stabat

Piano: Dondieu Divin.
Percussions :
Djembe,bells,shakers,rain stick,woodblocks,eggs: Toups Bebey.
Bongos: Denis Tchangou.

Backing vocals: Julia Sarr, Coco Mbassi.
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi.

(Si je me confie en Toi, je ne vacillerai pas, je n'aurai aucune crainte ; Seigneur remplis-moi de Ta vérité qui me rendra libre).
(If I confide in You, I will never waver nor fear ; Lord fill me with Your Truth which sets me free).

Couplet 1 :
Na dango te na Oa,
Na titi na na taka.
Na dango te na Oa,
Na titi na na taka.
Nongo so dia lami,
O wele mo o dia Longo.
Nongo so dia lami,
O kombe mo o dia Longo.

Ref 1: Stabat filia dolorosa .
Couplet 2 :A Mudi ma Longe, londe mba na Mbal'ango,
A Mudi ma Longe, londe mba na Mbal'ango.
Sangise longe lami, na bunya bopepe bo boteye,
Wei i buse penya penya,
Mwititi pe, ban bon bip, mu nyonge, mu nyonge, mu nyonge.
Mbana mu nyonge…

Pont :
Bola mba nginya o sontane
Bema be ma tombe,
Na kumwe o jene longe na jene longo e.
O bole pe ni sese nyese , ni ma yue mba mulema,
Di jombwe lese o nyola ba inyi, ba owo, wo tete na ba io o.
Myobe masu mene nde mi ma bwe biso na ndutu e.
Esele mo e be nika e, ma mese, o Dina la Yesu .

Ref 2 :
We Papa, stabat filia dolorosa .
We Tete , stabat filia dolorosa.

Ad lib :
Na mbembe di mea no pe e banje e ,
Na lo pe di londe biso o mulema e,
Na badun ba bato pe ba bene ngudi e,
Na i nyama'bulu yese i nyonge,
Na maboa pe ma boteye o bo e,
Na mbomba na bewenji pe be bo e,
Na ba ba'i ma kane ba boteye kane e,
Na nu nu si ma dube pe a dube e,
Na bila na si sontanele ba bo e,
Na mundi ma wase mu kome musango e,
Na bana basadi ba sengane batudu e,
Na sontanele di be o mbia mese e,
Na tue mo di bo e, di timbe mbwan e,
Na singe n'ebwan pe ba si be pe e,
Na ba ba si tondone ba tondone e,
Na musango mu timbe o teten' a bato e.

Couplet 1 :
If I walk with You, I cannot suffer.
Take my hand and put in Yours.
Take my hand and keep it in Yours.

Ref 1: Stabat filia dolorosa (latin).

Couplet 2 :
Spirit of Life, fill me with Your truth.
Purify my life, so that a new day should start.
A new sun should arise, that the darkness should disappear.
I say that it should disappear.

Pont :
Give me the strength to understand
The things that happen.
Help me consider life through Your eyes.
And heal me from all that pain, that tortures my heart
All those regrets about all our grandmothers , our loved ones,
Our fathers and mothers.
Our errors are the main reason we are dying from pain.
Let it be that way, all that, in the Name of Jesus.

Ref 2 :

Oh Papa, stabat filia dolorosa …
Ad lib :
That our tears should stop running down,
That laughter should fill our hearts,
That old people should have strength,
That all those night pains should disappear,
That sicknesses should start disappearing,
That insults and fighting should finish,
That those who don't pray should start praying,
That the one who doesn't believe anymore should believe,
That war and misunderstanding should stop,
That peace should come on this earth,
That little children should listen to adults,
That understanding should be in all families,
That poverty should end and become wealth,
That hatred and murder should no longer exist,
That those who don't love each other should start loving each other,
That peace should come back between people.

04. Profunda Sensaçao

Percussions (bongos, surdo, caixas,repike, 'hands ': Salvador Douezy
Electric and acoustic bass: Serge Ngando
Keyboards: Dondieu Divin
Piano: Roger Deroeux
Soprano saxophone (solo): Alain Debiossat
Backing vocals: Isabel Gonzales, Sha Rakotofiringa
Acoustic guitar: Patrick Manouguian
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi

(Histoire d'une personne liée par ces liens d'acier que sont les drogues qui ont , comme toutes les prisons, un cadenas qui s'ouvre. Il suffit d'en avoir la clé.)

The story of a person bound by drugs. Drugs, like every prison, have a key to their door . All you need is to get the key.

Couplet 1 :
Mba mo n'en te oa,
O kaki oamene,
Oa ,o alo o solo e, o beboa.

Couplet 2 :
Miso mam' mi ma soa,
Mi londa na misodi e,
Onyola sese e,
Onyola mbembe e .

Couplet 3 :
(A inyi Kala o e.)
O tingame pon so,
O mbas' ango.
Mbas'a belam na sika e,
We e, we e, a io o.

Pont :
Onyola ndut'a longe longo,
O kumo nde o kuke miso,
Ombusa beposi e,
Mba na sengi sese e.
N'abedi oa etond'ami,
Jongwane lam o bangi.
Sese jita e.

Ref :
Profunda sensaçao,
Profunda vibraçao,
Profunda sensaçao,
Meu coraçao.

Couplet 1 :

When I see you,
How you tied up your own self.
You put yourself in prison.

Couplet 2 :

My eyes tremble,
They are filled with tears.
Tears because of the pain,
Because I'm crying.

Couplet 3 :
(Dear Kala oh yeah!)
So you are tied,
To your cross.
A cross made of strong drinks and things to smoke.
Oh oh io oh!

Pont :
Because of the difficulties of your life,
You took the habit of closing your eyes,
Behind bottles.
I felt the pain.
I offered you my heart,
And my love, but you declined…
So much pain….

Ref :

Profunda sensaçao, profunda vibraçao
Meu coraçao.

05. Iwiye

Double bass: (Pizzicato and bow) Serge Ngando-Mpondo.
Percussions :
Bongos: Denis Tchangou.
Cowbell, shakers: Toups Bebey

Backing vocals: Valérie Lorentz, Julia Sarr, Coco Mbassi.
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi.

Jean 3: 3-5
(En vérité, en vérité, je vous le dis, si un homme ne naît de nouveau, si un homme ne naît d'eau et d'Esprit, il ne peut voir le royaume de Dieu).

John 3: 3-5
Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
This biblical text is very explicit; it is the foundation of Christian faith.

Couplet 1 :
Mot'a farisai mo a ta,dina lao na Nikodemo, mwaned'a Bonayuda.
A poi o mboa Yesu ya bulu,
Nd'a baise Yesu neni moto e no na a sungabe e.
Yesu a kwalane Nikodemo na :

Ref 1:
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e,
Iwiye e we iwiye e,
Na ma langwea oa na binyo bese na e,
Yetena moto a si yabe pete penya e,
A titi na ene janea la Loba e.

Couplet 2 :
Nu moto a si ta a sontane,
Neni moto e no na a timba o dibum la nyango e.
Na Yesu alabe mo na :

Ref 2 :
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e,
Iwiye e we iwiye e,
Na ma langwea oa na binyo bese na e,
Yetena moto a si yabe na madiba na mudi a si mingea o janea la Loba e.
Eh,eh,eh,eh eh eh !

Pont :
Na ma langwea nde oa na, na ma langwea nde oa na mba,
Na ma langwea nde oa na,
O ma pula te jene Loba e bia na :

Ref 1
Ref 3 :
Iwiye e mban'iwiye,iwiye e we iwiye e,
Yetena moto a si yabe pete penya e,
A ti'i na ingea janea la Loba e.
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e, iwiye e we iwiye e
Yetena moto a si yabe pete penya e,
A titi na ene janea la Loba e.
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e,iwiye e we iwiye e,
A titi na ene janea la Loba e
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e ;iwiye e we iwiye e,
A ti'i na ingea janea la Loba e.
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e,iwiye e we iwiye e,
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e,iwiye e we iwiye e,
Iwiye e mban'iwiye e, mban'iwiye e…


Couplet 1 :
There was a Pharisaic man named Nicodemus, teacher in Israel.
He came to see Jesus by night, and then asked Jesus how a person could be saved.
Jesus told Nicodemus that :
In truth, I say in truth,
I tell you and everybody else that,
If a person is not born again , the person cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Couplet 2 :
That man didn't understand how a person could enter in his/her mother's womb!
Then Jesus answered Him and said :
In truth, I say in truth
I tell you and everybody else that,
If a person is not born of water and of the spirit, he/she cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

Pont :
I am telling you that, I'm saying it for you and me.
I am telling you that, if you want to see God you should know that :
In truth…

06. Muto

Udu, bongos: Salvador Douezy
Shakers and eggs: Coco Mbassi and Salvador Douezy

Piano: Dondieu Divin
Acoustic bass: Serge Ngando
Soprano saxophone (solo): Alain Debiossat
Backing vocals: Olyza, Coco Mbassi
Lead vocal: Coco Mbassi

(Femme , tu es précieuse, destinée au bonheur et à l'épanouissement, pas à la violence ni à l'impureté) .
Woman, you are precious, created for happiness and well-being, not for violence nor impurity .

Intro :
Mun'a muto, Lob'a weki nde oa,
Mun'a muto, n'o be munyenge.
Mun'a muto, n'o tondobe nginya,
Mun'a muto, n'o tonde pe e.
Mun'a muto, a bodi oa dina,
Mun'a muto, n'o be mot'a mwenya.
Mun'a muto, s'ea pe so e.
Mun'a muto, s'emea pe, mu mpong ba ma, wondo no oa…

Refrain :
Mun'a nyango'am nya muto
Senga, senga.
Oa nde na ma longea no wenge,
Kwin'a ndolo.
Muweked'ango a tondi pon oa,
Jita, jita.
Nje so o ma yanga no nyol'ango,
O mandise no mo.

Couplet 1 :
E e nya muto,
A sawo o nyol'ango.
A bodi longe n'o bene longe,
Nde w'andise mo o mangea.
O a oa nya muto
Senga mun muka.
Na ma baise oa na,
W'asumwe o mangea,
O kase ndol'a Loba,
Na nya baboledi bao
W'ingeye o di longe, A wekedi no oa.
Refrain (sax)

Pont: (sax)
Mun'a muto, o sungabe te,
Mun'a muto, o'i ma kwesabe pe muka.
Mun'a muto , o wekabe nde
No ye bana , o eyobo na o mudi.
Mun'a muto, Loba' A tondi oa e.
Mun'a muto, we mo mwenya jita jita e.
Biana o ma yabe, ke A ma bonsane oa
Longe la bonam, seto mbeti na mbomba.

Nyol'ango nye nde, tempel a Mudi-musangi,
O s'abea so musonje to longe la mbamba mo e,
K'o ma bola nde bobe lingise nyol'a oamene,
Bo bobe boabe, bosi timba pe.

Mun'a muto, ndol'a mbale o ma wasa no,
Mun'a muto, Lob'a nd'A ma bole mo.
Mun'a muto, kasa nde mo,
N'o be wonja o tondo na o tondobe.
Mun'a muto , Lob' A tondi oa e,
Mun'a muto, we mo mwenya jita jita e.
Lob'A ma bonsane oa e
Longe la bonam, seto mbeti na mbomba

Refrain final.

Intro :
Woman , God created you,
Woman, so that you should be happy.
Woman, so that you should be loved really strongly,
Woman, and that you should love too.
Woman, He gave you a name,
So that you should be important.
Don't cry anymore,
Do not accept all the lies you are being told any more!

Ref :
My sister (literally: the woman child of mother)
Listen, listen!
It is for you that I sing today.
Queen of love.
Your creator loves you so,
So much, so much.
Why then do you think little of your body,
And why do you sell it?
Eh, woman!
He paid the price for you.
He gave His life so that you should live,
And you sell it on the streets?!
Oh, you woman!
Listen to this plea.
I am asking you,
To leave the streets.
To receive God's love,
And the believers' love.
To enter into the life,
He prepared for you.
Woman, if you are saved,
Woman, you will never be judged guilty anymore.
Woman, you were created,
To have children, in your flesh or/and in your spirit.
Woman, God loves you.
Woman, you are very precious to Him.
Before you were born, He had prepared for you,
A life of blessings,
Not of beatings and insults.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
Do not offer it freely to a life of sin .
By doing so you are hurting your own body,
May that pain be washed away and never come back again!
Woman, the true love you are looking for,
Woman, it's God who gives it.
Woman, accept it, so that you should be free,
To love and to be loved.
Woman, God loves you,
Woman, you are very precious to Him.
Before you were born, He had prepared for you,
A life of blessings,
Not of beatings and insults.

07. A sawo

Drums: Denis Tchangou
Percussions (congas, shaker and talking drum): Salvador Douezy
Electric bass: Serge Ngando
Keyboards: Dondieu Divin
Programming (flute, keyboards): Coco Mbassi
Backing vocals: Isabel Gonzales, Julia Sarr
Flute: Alain Debiossat.

(Jésus a donné Sa vie pour nous sauver).

Jesus gave His life to save us . He paid the price.

Oh oh, oh oh.

Couplet 1 :
A sawo e, A sawo ewu 'ami e.
A sawo e, A sawo musawedi mam e .

Mo mo a sawo musawedi mam e,
Ma myobe mam mese o wase e.
Mbana Mo mo a sawo musawedi mam e,
A sawo ewu ami e.

Couplet 2 :
Mo nu ma lee mba,nje ye ndol'a mbale e,
Momene nu si ma wole,
Lakise myobe mam e .
Misodi mi londi Mo o miso e,
O nyola ndok'ango nya jita e,
O nyola na o titi o jalabe bele l'Ao,
K' A sawo ewu ango e .

Ref 2 :
A sawo e, A sawo ewu ango,
A sawo e, A sawo musawedi mongo e.

Couplet 3 :
A sawo musawedi mongo e
Ma myobe mongo mese o wase e.
Mbana Mo mo a sawo musawedi mongo e.
(A sawo ewu'ango e.)
A sawo musawedi mongo e,
Na ma myobe ma bato bese e,
Mbana Mo mo a sawo musawedi mongo e.
(A sawo na maya e.)

A paname o bwele, na tono o nyolo e,
A wedi A pumbwa pe e,
Na bese ba sungabe .
Bato ba nongi Eyala e,
Ba timbise mo to nje nde e.
Ba kumo wutane bato Mbal'a Loba e,
(Na Yesu mo e Longe !)

Ref 3 (ad lib):
A sawo e, A sawo ewu asu,
A sawo e, A sawo musawedi m'asu e.
A ma sunga !

Couplet 1 :

He paid, He paid my debt.
He paid, He paid the price for me.

He paid the price for me,
For all of my earthly sins,
I say He paid the price for me
He paid my debt.

Couplet 2 :

He who shows me, what true love is.
He who is never tired, of forgiving my sins.
Tears fill His eyes,
Because you are so stubborn,
Because you don't accept to answer to His call,
Even though He paid your debt.

Ref 2 :

He paid, He paid your debt.
He paid, He paid the price for you.

Couplet 3 :

He paid the price for you,
For all your earthly sins.
I say He paid the price for you,
He paid your debt.
He paid the price for you,
And also paid for everybody's sins.
I say He paid the price for you,
He paid with His blood.

He was hanged on a cross,
With nails in His flesh.
He died and then came back to life,
So that everyone should be saved.
People took the Word,
And changed it into nonsense.
They decided not to tell people the Truth,
That Jesus is alive!

Ref 3 :

He paid, He paid our debt.
He paid, He paid the price for us.
He saves!


Percussions (bongos , shakers, eggs): Salvador Douezy

Bass programming: Coco Mbassi
Electric guitar: Patrick Manouguian
Keyboards: Dondieu Divin
All vocals: Coco Mbassi

(Ma prière: que l'Afrique retrouve sa dignité)
My prayer for Africa so that we should solve our problems in unity and peace.

Ref 1 :
Ongwane biso e !
Sunga e ,sunga, sunga biso e, sunga !
Ongwane biso e !
Sunga e, sunga , sunga biso e !

Couplet 1 :
Senga mbembe na mea no,
Na si ma wolo no o jea,
Ke na num mabongo o wase kane Oa.
O nyola take na mene no,
O malondo m'am o Africa e,
Oa mene mo nde we na W'ongwane biso .
Ndenge e bodi bona basu,
Ba si bi pe o sangise eboko,
Ba dimbedi edube e,
Ba ma wasa nde moni.
Bana ba si m'ala o besukulu,
Ba m'okwa nde jiba na njako.
Ba nja ba mende tate ekombo ke batudu ba'a wo.

Couplet 2 :
Ba bolane biso bobe,
Baboledi ba bobe,
Nde ponda' mbembe nya tomba ,
Di late mabie m'asu.
Di pongulane ekombo'asu,
Di longe madokita na besukulu e,
Di baise Loba n'edube e,
A m'ongwane biso e.

Ref 2 :
Ongwane biso e, sunga biso e,
Sunga e,sunga, sunga biso e,sunga.
Ongwane biso e,sunga biso e,
Sunga e,sunga,sunga biso e.

Ref 1 :

Help us!
Save, save , save us, save!

Couplet 1 :

Hear my cry and my tears,
Which won't stop,
When I kneel down to pray to You,
Because of the suffering I see,
When I travel in Africa.
Only You can help us.
Our people suffer so much that,
They don't know how to clean up their place anymore,
They've forgotten respect and faith,
They only know how to beg for money.
The children don't go to school,
They only learn how to steal and beg,
Who will take care of the country when the adults will be dead?

Couplet 2 :
They wronged us and did bad things to us,
Those who chose evil.
But the time for crying is over,
Let us put our talents together.
Let us organize our countries,
Build hospitals and schools.
Let's ask God with faith and respect,
And He will help us.

Ref 2 :

Help us, save us!
Save, save; save us, save!
Help us, oh Lord! Save us.
Save, save, save us!

09. BILA

Vocals: Coco Mbassi

(La guerre est nuisible ; la colère tue !).
(War is harmful ; anger kills !) .

Refrain 1 :
Bila , bila mo be bobe e.
Malinga, malinga ma ma bouse njou.

Réponses :
Langwea mba, kwala.
Langwea mba, tone.
E, e, e, e, e, sese e.
E, e, e, e, e, ndutu.

Chant lead :
Ye mba ndutu jita o sontane,
Njom' a nje ebeyed' asu ya bobe e,
E titi no na e nyangwa e,
E banja na i weya ndut'a longue o wase.

Refrain 2 :
Esimo e, musango e.

Réponses :
Nde na ma wasa no e,
Nde na ma pula no e,
Nde mba na tondi no e.
Contrechants :
Topo so tatan', langwea so mba, nje o ma pulane no mba e.
Topo so tatan' , langwea so mba , nje mo ya bila na bila e.
Njom'a nje so na sibise te nyolo nd'o kumwa londa na mongele ma janea mba e.

War, war is evil!
Anger, anger is evil too!
War, war kills!
Anger, anger makes people go crazy!
Réponses :
Tell me, speak up.
Tell me, shame !
Hey, hey, hey… pain!
Hey, hey, hey… suffering!
Lead :
It is very difficult for me to understand,
For what reason our evil nature,
Won't fade out and melt away,
Because of the heat coming from this painful earthly life!

Bliss! That's what I'm looking for.
Peace! That's what I want.
That's what I love.
Speak up now, tell me, what you want me to do.
Speak up now, tell me, why you always want war.
Why, when I humble myself, are you always filled with thoughts of dominating me?
Hey……Ela (that's it!)!

10. Mbombo

Piano: Dondieu Divin.
Lead and backing vocals: Coco Mbassi.

(Prenons soin des gens qui nous entourent de leur vivant, pendant qu 'il en est encore temps, car la mort est un voyage aller simple…)
(Let us take care of our relatives and friends while they are still around, because death is a one-way trip…)

Couplet 1 :
Nja nu malane oa mwendi,
O titi no pe n'o senga,
na na ta na tondo oa,
Na na ta n'ongele oa…
Jombwe lami di si sele,
Mo di timbi nde sukane ;
Na kumo no o jea oa,
Mulema m'ongele oa.

Pont :
Moto t'a nonge jangameye
Jombwea bato ke ba dia longe,
Ke be oa o mbasan, o nyolana ba alo te ke ba ma ala nde .
Loba' ma bola pon nde,
Mo A ma bola nde moto te longe diwo.
O si kumwa topo ka mba e,
O si kumwa jeya ka mba na na bia te.

Couplet 2 :
Na sengi pon bobe jita,
Nika na si bele no oa.
Na si tiledi pe to oa,
O langwea oa na na mongele…

Couplet 3 :
Miso mongo ma ndedi,
Na mulopo ma ndedi.
Boso na ta no na tondo,
Na mu mukenjako mongo.

Pont :
Mbombo matoi ma dibi oa,
O titi pon pe n'o senga mbemb'ami.
Na keki jongele na e ,
Na kumwe bongwa ba ba dia longe.

Couplet 4 :
O topi no n'o mala,
N'o mala o Eyid'a Sombo,
Nja nu wusa bie na,
Jene la asu disukan di.
Bongwa bato ke be penya,
Longe le pon nde diwo.
Tondo bato ke ba dia o wa e,
Kwedi mo nye nde po.


Couplet 1 :
Who will deliver the message to you, you can't hear anymore
That I loved you, that I thought about you?
My regrets did not come first, they came last.
Then I started crying because I missed you, my heart was thinking of you.

Pont :
Everybody should pay attention, take care of people when they are still alive,
When they are close to you, because once they are gone, they are gone forever.
God only gives, He only gives each person one life.
Don't start talking like I do, don't start crying like me, saying " if only I had known…".

Couplet 2 :
I felt very bad, because I didn't call you when I should have,
I didn't even write, to tell you that I was thinking about you.

Couplet 3 :
Your eyes so full of sadness
And your head shaking with sadness…
Your face that I loved so much
And your liveliness…

Pont :
Mbombo, your ears and closed,
You can't hear my cry anymore.
I decided to try to take care of those who are still alive.

Couplet 4 :
When you said that you were going,
That you would go to Eyid'a Sombo.
Who could have known that it would be the last time
We would see each other?
Take care of people when they are alive,
There is only one life.
Love people when they are still there,
There is only one death.
Mbombo is a calling in the Duala tradition which is given to a person who has the same name as you. My mother's mother, Ma' Lydia called me that way because I am named after her . I wrote this song when she died.
Eyid'a Sombo is a translation of the name of a famous cemetery in Duala.

11. Oa Nde

Acoustic guitar: Patrick Manouguian.
Lead and backing vocals: Coco Mbassi

(Toi, mon ami fidele)
You, my faithful friend
A love song for the most faithful friend I have.

Couplet 1 :
Oa nde, o lee mba ndoti,
Ndoti na nanga no, ndoti na nanga no.
Oa nde, o lee mba Ndolo, jita l'etonde,
Jita la munyenge.
Oa nde e, o teleye mba miso e,
Na na bie, nje ni Ndolo nye no,
O si be te e, na si wusa bia,
Na nika nde moto e no na a tondobe.

Couplet 2 :
Oa nde, o bise mba na,
We na o sontane mongele m'am mese,
Oa nde e, o teleye mba miso e,
Na na bie, nje ni Ndolo nye no.
O si be te e, na si wusa bia,
Na nika nde moto,
E no na a tondobe.

Ad lib :
Oa mene nde we mba Ndolo we e,
Oa mene pe nde we mba ebongo'a dia,
Oa mene pe nde we mba Musungedi,
Oa nde we mba Ndolo e e.

Ref :
Oa nde e, Oa nde we,
Mba e e, Ndolo.

Couplet 1 :
You are the one who showed me the dreams,
The dreams that I had.
You are the one who showed me love,
And great friendliness, great happiness.
You are the one who opened my eyes,
So that I should know what that love is.
If you weren't there, I wouldn't have known
That a person could be loved so much.

Couplet 2 :

You are the one who made me realize
That you could understand all of my thoughts.
You are the one who opened my eyes,
So that I should know what that love is.
If you weren't there, I wouldn't have known
That a person could be loved so much.

Ad lib :

You are my true love,
You are also my help in time of trouble.
You are my Saviour,
You are my Love.

Ref :

You are, you are the one,
You are my Love.

12. Mundene

Double bass: Serge Ngando-Mpondo.
Cello: Cyrille Jacquet.
Viola: Nicole Merville.
Violon: Armelle Lecoz.
Lead and backing vocals: Coco Mbassi.

« Médis de Mundene mais ne le tue pas, Mundene nous est utile ».
« Criticize Mundene but do not kill him, Mundene is useful for our society».
Mundene was a narrator and he was very appreciated in the Duala society because through the stories he told, he told the people the truth about their behaviour (especially the bad behaviour) in their presence . The Duala people thought that it was always necessary to have a " truth teller " in a family or a tribe in order to keep heads clear.

Ref 1 :
Inda Mundene nde o si bwa Mundene,
Mundene a mongisane.
Inda Mundene nde o si bwa Mundene,
Mundene a mongisane.
Mundene a mongisane.

Couplet 1 :
Njika moto nye , nu si ma ponge diwuse.
Njika moto nye o longe nu si ma ponge diwuse.
A langweye mba, a langweye mba,
Nga a si wusi o longe.
A langweye mba, a langweye mba nga a si wusi o longe,
Njika moto…

Ref 1 :
Inda Mundene nde o si dipa Mundene,
Inda Mundene nde o si bwa Mundene,
Mundene a mongisane.

Couplet 2 :
A mongisane, ba bolane te oa bobe,
O si londa na malinga,o si kuna wamene,
Ba wusane te oa, welisane,
O si tokisane, lakise e.

Ref 3 :
Inda Mundene nde o si bwa Mundene.

Couplet 3 :
Mba na dia na mongele minia masu,
Mba na dia na mongele miango ma Mundene

(Inda Mundene)
Mulonged'asu nya ngoso,
(Si bwa Mundene)
Esin'a moto e.
(Inda Mundene)
Oa nu si bodi bobe,
(Si bwa Mundene)
Sele jangwa dale.
(Inda Mundene)
To mo nyasu a titi na sim
(Si bwa Mundene)
Dikoti le nde o Kristo e,
(Inda Mundene)
Lakise bato myobe,
(Si bwa Mundene)
N'o kuse mulakisan…

Ad lib :
Inda Mundene e …
Mundene a mongisane .

Ref 1 :
Speak ill of Mundene but do not kill Mundene.
Mundene saves us, we need him.

Couplet 1 :
Is there a person somewhere who does not make mistakes?
Is there a person in this life who does not make mistakes?
That person should tell me if she/he has never made a mistake in her/his life?
Is there someone…?

Ref 2 :
Speak ill of Mundene but do not beat him up.
Speak ill of Mundene but do not kill him,
We need Mundene.

Couplet 2 :
He saves us. If somebody wrongs you,
Do not be filled with anger, do not take revenge yourself.
If somebody makes an error, hurting you,
Bear with the person, do not complain,

Ref 3 :
Speak ill of Mundene but do not kill him,

Couplet 3 :
I still remember our popular stories.
I still remember the stories Mundene told us.
(Speak ill of Mundene)
Our traditional singer.
(Do not kill Mundene)
A very useful person.
(Speak ill of Mundene)
You who never did anything wrong.
(Do not kill Mundene)
Throw the first stone.
(Speak ill of Mundene)
Not one of us is straight.
(Do not kill Mundene)
The price was paid by Christ.
(Speak ill of Mundene)
Forgive people their errors
(Do not kill Mundene)
So that you should be forgiven yours.

Ad lib :
Speak ill of Mundene…
Mundene saves us, he is useful to us.

Mundene was a man who used to tell people the truth about their decisions and their behaviour , even when what he said was not pleasing.
So the people said he was useful to our society because he kept the people aware of the truth. He was a traditional singer, our Duala kind of "griot". He was also a storyteller.

13. Bayedi

Vocals: Coco Mbassi

(Hommage aux parents).
Tribute to the parents

Couplet 1 :
Mama o, nyango'am na ndol'am e,
Mo nde , mo nd'a ta a tondo mba e.
Mama o, nyango'am na ndol'am e,
Mo nde , mo pon nd'a bongo mba e.

Pont :
Na si posi oa
To oa pe o si posi mba.
Di tondone nde,
Se ndolo na kodi e.

Refrain 1 :
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nd'o ta mba Mama e
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nd'o ta mba Mama.
Papa o, sango'am na ndol'am e,
Mo nde , mo nd'a ta a tondi mba e .
Papa o, sango'am na ndol'am e,
Mo pon nd'a bongo mba e.

Pont :
Na si posi oa
To oa pe o si posi mba.
Di tondone nde,
Se ndolo na kodi e.

Refrain 2 :
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nd'o ta mba Papa e,
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nd'o ta mba Papa.
Bayedi e , ba Mama na ba Papa e,
Babo e, ba' nde ba tondi oa e.
Bayedi e, ba Iyin na ba Tete e,
Babo e, ba nde ba ma bongwe oa e.

Pont :
Ba si posi oa, to oa pe o si posi ba',
Lo tondone nde,
Se ndolo na kodi e, longea babo na e.
Ad lib

Ref 3 :
Oa nde, oa nde , oa nde we mba Mama e,
Oa nde, oa nde ,oa nde we mba Mama.
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nde we mba Papa e,
Oa nde, oa nde, oa nde we mba Papa.

Ref 4 :
Na ma soma oa a Mama,
Onyola dibongo la bwam o bodi no mba.
Na ma soma oa a Papa ,
Onyola dibongo la bwam o bodi no mba.

Impros :
Mam' ami nu e, mba e, Mam' ami
Pap' ami nu e mba e, Pap' ami.
E , e, e ,e Mam' ami ; Pap' ami nu e mba e, Pap'ami.
Kane nde la bole mbemb'ami…

Mama, my mother and my love,
She was the one who loved me.
Mama, my mother and my love,
She was the one who took care of me.

I didn't choose you,
Nor did you choose me.
But we loved each other,
What love and respect!

Ref 1 :
You are the one who was my mama.

Papa, my father and my love,
He was the one who loved me.
Papa, my father and my love,
He was the one who took care of me.

I didn't choose you,
Nor did you choose me.
But we loved each other,
What love and respect!

Ref 2 :
You are the one who was my papa.

Parents, mothers and fathers,
They are the ones who love you.
Parents, grandmothers and grandfathers,
They are the ones who take care of you.

They didn't choose you,
Nor did you choose them.
You love each other,
What love and respect! Sing for them and say :

Ref 3 :
You are my papa.
You are my mama.

Ref 4 :
I thank you mama for the nice way you took care of me.
I thank you papa for the nice way you took care of me.

Impros :
I'm talking about my mama, my papa.
It's my mama, my papa.
Only prayer can take away my tears…