Live-Recording of the two shows by Esther Ofarim in Hamburg in february 2009
DVD 1: Legends of Folklore Argentino, Flamenco and Música do Brasil / DVD 2: Legends of Spiritual & Gospel and Folk & Country / DVD 3 Legends of the American Folk Blues Festivals
Carlinhos Brown – our man in Bahia and the new studio-recording from this Brazilian mastermind
Yesterday Comes is the new album from the american Singer-Songwirter Ilene Barnes produced by Jimmy Hoyson (Ben Harper, Green Day)
Our compilation on behalf of the 50th birthday of Bossa Nova, featuring the most beautiful songs by Brazil's most influential artists of that era
The Original Soundtrack of the documentary movie "Brasileirinho” directed by Mika Kaurismäki presenting on 19 tracks the great masters of choro music
Sitemap - Here's the complete list of our world music CDs, DVDs, sheet music and books